Friday, August 14, 2015

Acapulco Weekend Recap♡ (Prepare for lots of pictures!)

So this past weekend I went to Acapulco with the family and I had lots of fun! This was our last trip for the summer and it's bittersweet, but I know I'll be back very soon! 

We left Friday morning and got there around 2 pm (to be completely honest, I don't remember, I'm guessing lol) and it was crazy getting rooms because it was literally beyond packed! We almost didn't get to stay in our go-to hotel, but luckily we did! Once we left all our stuff in our rooms, we changed into our bathing suits and headed straight to the beach! Once we spent some time at the beach, we swam a bit at the pool area and once we had enough, we went upstairs and got ready for dinner! We didn't do much after that, just some dinner and family bonding! Here are the pictures! :) 

Entering the tunnel to head to Acapulco!

We stayed at the Copa Cabana Beach Hotel!

The hotel room view!

Our bedroom!

Mirror selfie because why not? haha 

The beautiful palm trees!! <3 

The beautiful sky! <3 

My face got cut, but look at my cute little cousin! <3 

We ate dinner at this restaurant called El Fogón!

I ordered the Gringa with Agua de Jamaica! <3

Then on Saturday we spent the time at the beach again and once we left the beach we ate some dinner and spent some time in downtown and had fun dancing and seeing a comedian in the hotel's bar area. It was a chill Saturday to say the least. :) Here are some pictures of that day! 

The sunset was beautiful on this day! 

Selfie on the beach! 

Selfie with the cousin! 

Picture with the lobsters [BRING IN THE DANCING LOBSTERS!]

Ended the night with a Corona Michelada <3 

On Sunday we packed our stuff, loaded everything into our vehicles and headed to Barra Vieja! We got there in about 30 minutes and we ordered our fish (I would insert the name, but I can't remember it nor spell it haha) and spent some family time and had a chill lunch close to the beach and after all of that and before the sun was going to set we headed home! Here are some pictures! :) 

Relaxing in the chair! <3 

Relaxing in the hammock (literally fell asleep! haha)

Our fish for lunch! It was so good! Thomasita is amazing!

Beach breeze, beach waves, sunny rays and smiles galore <3

Seriously love being at the beach <3 #beachbum

So that was my weekend in Acapulco! Hope you enjoyed this and hope your summer was [is] fantastic! Crazy how this summer went by so fast and I can't believe I start classes this Monday! 

Did you go anywhere this weekend? :)

Have a wonderful weekend, y'all! 

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